維修保養 Maintenance

  • 品牌所有商品皆使用國際標準之925銀為原料。

  • 請在淋浴、洗手、家務、運動等期間卸下飾品,以防止物件脫落或造成損傷。

  • 請避免將飾品與化學物質接觸,或是任何敲、打之動作。

  • 每次飾品配戴完後可使用肥皂加溫水清洗或用棉布及拭銀布擦拭,放入盒子中收納保存以杜絕空氣產生氧化反應。

  • 925銀之特性會隨著時間產生氧化反應,若想保持原有的光澤,建議每日配戴完畢可以使用拭銀布反覆擦拭,即可去除氧化物;我們不建議使用洗銀水清洗,洗銀水之內含化學成份可能會導致飾品表面些微腐蝕。如氧化情形太嚴重,您可將商品寄回,本司有提供免費的拋光清潔服務。

  • 本司提供商品維修服務,費用將會視商品損壞程度酌收基本工費,若有任何需求歡迎私訊聯絡,我們很榮幸能為您服務。

  • We use 925 sterling silver in our works.

  • Please take of your jewelry during washing hand, shower, household chores, , exercising, etc

  • The jewelry should be stored in the jewelry box or our packaging.

  • Avoid scratching, dropping, or knocking.

  • Avoid exposing your jewelry to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or any chemicals.

  • 925 sterling silver can be oxidized over time. If you want to give it an extra shine, polish it with our wiping cloth from time to time. (Please keep the wiping cloth from water)

  • We offer maintenance service, the maintenance fee will be determined depending on the damaged conditions of each piece.