
品牌主旨在傳達”everything is meaningless but meaningful” 之概念,我們不賦予任何作品一切定義以及動機,意在呈現最直觀的感受。

- 直白的說,大多數人們總是竭盡所能地探尋每件事的存在意義或是急著去定義所見,而忽略了一切呈現出的美;太過於複雜的想像,有時反而會破壞掉作品的純粹。 -

Our brand was founded in 2020. The most important inspiration for creation comes from all kinds of natural elements, especially the surface texture of the rock as the main axis, presenting a rough and mysterious atmosphere. The main intention of the brand is to convey "everything is meaningless but meaningful", that is, not to give any meaning and motivation to each work. We pay more attention to the bondage caused by the interaction between the wearer and the jewelry, and people's The resonance of unconventional things.

To put all these bluntly, peopkle try to find the meaning of the existence of everything or are eager to define what we see, ignoring the beauty of everything; yet, complicated imagination may sometimes destroy the purity of the work.